Jorma Winkler
〒483-8127 愛知県江南市小折本町小松原23-2
- 代金の確認後7日以内に発送となります。
- お届け先地域や物流状況に応じまして、商品発送からお届けまでの日数は前後致します。
- 配達日時のご希望は配送業者の対応範囲内で承りますので、前後する場合やご希望に沿えないことがあります。
- 配達時間帯は、恐れ入りますが配送業者の都合により個人様宛先の場合のみお選びいただけます。 法人様宛先、屋号のあるお届け先などの場合はお選び頂いても「ご希望なし」になります。
- 大型荷物の個別配送は制限が厳しくなっています。荷姿の最長辺が160cmを超えますと営業所止めまでの配送になることがあります。
- 受注生産品は約1~3週間程度要する場合があります。
- ご注文数量が多い場合や繁忙期は発送までお時間を要する場合があります。
- オーダー加工がある場合別途お見積となります。(お支払方法はお振込のみとなります。)
- 荷姿3辺の合計が170cm以内、重量20kg以内の商品は原則として配送業者による宅配で玄関でのお引渡しです。
お部屋等への運び込みや設置・組立て等は行われません。 - 荷姿3辺の合計が170cmを超え、かつ荷姿最長辺が160cmを超える場合で、配送業者の個別配達が困難な場合はお届け先ご住所に最も近い配送業者の営業所止めとさせて頂く場合があります。
- 配達日時のご希望は配送業者の対応範囲内で承りますので、前後する場合やご希望に沿えないことがあります。
※配達時間帯は個人様宛先の場合のみお選びいただけます。法人様宛先、屋号のあるお届け先などの場合はお選び頂いても「ご希望なし」になります。 - 荷姿3辺の合計が170cm以上または重量20kg以上は大型商品の取扱いになります。
- 荷姿3辺の合計が170cm未満または重量20kg未満でも荷数が複数になる場合は大型商品の取扱いになることがあります。
- 商品に欠陥や不具合等ございましたら、恐れ入りますがお受取(再配達などを行われました際は初回の配達日になります)から7日以内にお申し出ください。
- その際、お手数なのですが商品および梱包外装の不具合箇所を携帯電話等で撮影して頂きまして、画像データをメールにてお送り願います。
- 損傷などが生じている際に不具合箇所の撮影画像をメールでお送り頂けない場合はご対応できませんのでご注意願います。
- お申し出頂く時期が1週間以上経過している場合や、商品が未使用・未加工の状態でない場合、損傷などが生じている際に不具合箇所の撮影画像をメールでお送り頂けない場合は返品・交換のご対応ができなくなります。
- 商品のご返送が必要な場合は都度ご連絡致しますので、ご返送はそのご案内までお待ち下さい。
- 木材は木目、色合い、節、硬さや重さなど素材由来の個体差があります。材料となる無垢木材の個体差、状態に応じた製作や仕上げを行いますので、若干のサイズ誤差等も生じる場合があります。
- 木製品は気温や湿度等の影響を受けますので、ご使用環境・保管状況によりましては反りや割れ、変色などが生じる場合があります。
- 木製品の木目や色合いなどの材質や状態の違いなどについて、選別や選択を行ってご用意することはできません。
Company Name
Maikai Wood Hawaii
〒483-8127 23-2, Komatsuhara, Kozukimoto-cho, Gangnam City, Aichi Prefecture
Jorma Winkler
Send us an email for your concerns
Sales Price
The selling price is as indicated on the product.
Prices shown include tax.
Required fees other than the product price
As a general rule, shipping costs are the responsibility of the customer.
All consumption taxes are included in the product price (tax included).
Payment method
Please pay using the payment method specified by us.
Time of delivery
- It will be shipped within 7 days after the payment is confirmed.
- The number of days from the date of shipment to the date of delivery may vary depending on the destination area and logistics conditions.
- Delivery time and date are subject to the availability of the shipping company, and may vary.
- The delivery time zone can be selected only for personal addresses due to the convenience of the delivery company.
- If you have a corporate address or a delivery address with a store name, you can choose "no preference" even if you choose.
- Please note that there are strict restrictions on individual delivery of large packages.
- If the longest side of the package exceeds 160cm, the package may be delivered to a post office.
- If the order quantity is large or during busy periods, it may take longer to ship.
- If there is any custom processing, it will be quoted separately.(Payment method is by bank transfer only.
Delivery method
- In principle, products with a total of 170 cm or less in three dimensions and 20 kg or less in weight will be delivered by a courier company and delivered to your door. We do not carry, install, or assemble the product in your room.
- If the total of the three sides of the package exceeds 170cm and the longest side of the package exceeds 160cm, and it is difficult for the delivery company to deliver the package individually, the package may be stopped at the nearest delivery company's office to the destination address.
- Please note that the delivery date and time may vary from time to time or may not be possible to meet your request. You can choose the delivery time zone only for personal addresses. In the case of a corporate address or a delivery address with a store name, even if you select this option, it will be "no preference".
- If the total of the three sides of the package is 170cm or more, or the weight is 20kg or more, it will be handled as a large item.
- If the total of the three sides of the package is less than 170cm or less than 20kg, it may be handled as a large item if there is more than one shipment.
Returned goods / defective goods / cancellation
- If there are any defects or malfunctions in the product, please notify us within 7 days of receiving the product (or the first delivery date if the product is redelivered).
- In this case, please take a picture of the defective part of the product and packaging with your cell phone, and send the image data to us by e-mail.
- Please note that we will not be able to respond to your request if you do not send us a picture of the defective part by e-mail when the product is damaged.
- We will not be able to return or exchange the product if it is more than one week old, if the product is not in unused and unprocessed condition, or if the product is damaged and you do not send us a picture of the defective part by e-mail.
- If you need to return the product, we will contact you each time, so please wait until we inform you.
Shipping costs for returns and exchanges
We will pay the shipping costs for returns and exchanges due to defective or faulty products.
However, in the event of a return or exchange that is not our fault, the customer will be responsible for the shipping costs.
In addition to shipping costs, we may also charge for packaging and other fees.
Expressions/product notes
- Wood has individual differences in grain, color, knots, hardness, and weight.
- Since the production and finishing process is done according to the individual differences and conditions of the solid wood used as material, there may be slight size errors.
- Wood products are affected by temperature and humidity, and may warp, crack, or discolor depending on the usage environment and storage conditions.
- It is not possible to select or selectively prepare wooden products based on differences in material and condition, such as wood grain and color.
Issuance of documents
Documents such as quotations / invoices/delivery slips / receipts will only be issued upon request.